Assignment examples

Since our foundation, we have carried out well over 150 assignments, including many published studies.
Below is a list of relevant examples in our nine Practice Areas:

1. Local and regional development

This covers local and regional policy and programmes in various countries, Including the evaluation of the European Structural and Investment Funds. It also covers strategic support to local initiatives such as business support, incubators, science and technology parks, cluster development and smart specialisation.

Jack Malan:


Ex post evaluation of Cohesion Policy programmes 2007-2013

CSES was a member of the consortium, led by CSIL, which carried out an evaluation of Operational Programmes that supported SMEs in the 2007 -13 programming period.



 Ex Ante Evaluation of Lithuania's 2007-13 Operational Programmes 

CSES led the ex-ante evaluation of three Operational Programmes, focusing on human resource development, economic growth and the productive environment and the promotion of cohesion.



 Assessment of the impact of the Kent Science Park  

CSES carried out this study to identify and consider the implications of an application by the owners of the Kent Science Park (KSP) to extend the borders of the KSP. This included reviewing the impact of the KSP on innovation, constraints on the expansion of the KSP, and implications in terms of transport access (roads) and housing.


2. Internal Market

Extensive experience in carrying out assignments to improve the functioning of the Internal Market and the free movement of goods and services in line with Better Regulation principles. This has involved detailed analysis of both legislative provisions and their practical implementation.

Mike Coyne:


Fitness Check of Motor Vehicle Type Approval

Checking that legislative acts relating to the type approval of motor vehicles is โ€˜fit for purposeโ€™, applying the principles of smart regulation to the Framework Directive and the set of supporting Regulations and international agreements that make up the measures governing type approval.



Impact assessment of the Prospectus Directive on EU capital markets

The study looked at the impact of the introduction of the Prospectus Directive, including unintended consequences. The study provided quantitative evidence on the impacts of the Directive on raising capital and the costs of raising capital in the EU, as well as investor protection and other opportunities resulting.



Barriers to Trade in Business Services

The study reviewed obstacles to the achievement of the Internal Market in business services.



Inventory of Reserves of Activities linked to professional qualifications requirements

This study for the European Commission assessed the economic impact of the reserves of activities linked to the possession of specific professional qualifications in tourism, construction and business services in 13 EU Member States.

3. Inward investment promotion and sector studies

CSES has extensive experience in providing advice to economic development and investment promotion agencies, ranging from strategic development and impact assessment to organisational design. We also have deep insight and knowledge of a range of economic sectors and industries, including the chemicals sector, space, security, construction, tourism and the creative industries.

Jan Smit:



As a thought leader in the field of inward investment promotion, CSES has produced several guides for UNCTAD on specific themes such as investor aftercare, inward investment in tourism, etc.   



Developing an inward investment promotion strategy for the Cyprus Investment Promotion Agency (CIPA)

CSES developed a targeted approach to attracting inward investors in specific segments in the Financial Services and ICT sectors. 



Evaluation of the REACH Regulation

CSES has led reviews of the impact of the REACH Regulation (Chemicals industry) on the EU chemicals industry and innovation in the chemicals industry in 2012 and 2015.



Enhancing the Competitiveness of Tourism in the EU

A project examining innovative approaches to improving the competitiveness of the tourism industry (in areas such as capacity and skills development, ICT support and promotion and marketing), illustrated by well-founded examples of good practice.


4. SMEs and industrial policy

CSES has undertaken significant work on different aspects of the promotion of small and medium-sized enterprises, including the regulatory framework, access to finance, intellectual property rights, and entrepreneurship training. We also have extensive experience in the evaluation of industrial competitiveness policies in various countries and at a European level, both in relation to manufacturing and service industries.

Mike Coyne:


Evaluation of the SME Definition

A review of the classic definition of SMEs, assessing the effectiveness of the definition in identifying the appropriate target for state aid and other forms of assistance or special treatment and considering the need for any revision.



Evaluation of Market Practices and Policies on SME ratings

This study evaluated the effectiveness of banksโ€™ practices in place at EU and Member State (27) level as regards SME rating systems, with a particular attention to the use of qualitative ratings; and, the feedback provided by banks to SMEs. A secondary objective was to highlight what policies public authorities in Member States and EU authorities have taken to promote the transparency of SME rating in the banking sector and the supply of such feedback to SMEs, and how effective they have been in the context of the recent Capital Requirements Directives/ Regulation.



Final Evaluation of the Competitiveness & Innovation Framework Programme

Evaluation of the CIPโ€™s three component programmes as a whole, with a view to drawing conclusions on the overall performance of the EUโ€™s main Programme for the support of SMEs and entrepreneurship.



Evaluation of Member State Policies to facilitate access to finance for SMEs

The study team identified, tested and applied methodologies for evaluating existing Member States programmes to facilitate the access to finance of SMEs; analyse and compare data collected, explain the findings and provided recommendations on which type of programmes work best.


5. Education, culture and sport

Includes education, training and lifelong learning, plus culture and media and sport, for EU and UK clients. Our work has included evaluations and impact assessments of programmes, policies and legislation, as well as thematic studies.

James Rampton:


Mapping and Performance Check of Tourism Education and Training

A study of the education and training offer for the tourism sector and its performance in delivering the skills needed by employers โ€“ in each of the 28 Member States and the EU as a whole.



Contribution of the Creative Europe programme to skills development in the audio-visual sector

A study to identify skills gaps in the sector and evaluate the relevance, efficiency and effectiveness of EU-funded training in helping to close these gaps.



Evaluations of European Capitals of Culture 2007-15

Staff from CSES (in partnership with Ecorys) have been involved in evaluating the Capitals on behalf of the European Commission since 2007.



Study on the Satellite and Cable Directive

CSES (in partnership with Ecorys) analysed the market for cross-border TV and radio broadcasting and the legal frameworks applying to it, as well as the need for an extension of the Directive to online broadcasts, video-on-demand and catch-up TV.



Study on the Contribution of Sport to Regional Development through the Structural Funds

A study mapping the contribution of sport and physical activity to economic and social, establishing a sound evidence base, highlighting examples of good practice and providing a practical guidance document advising sport organisations and others on developing projects with ESIF support.


6. Research and innovation

Includes evaluations of research and innovation strategies, innovation policy frameworks and technology transfer mechanisms in the context of ESIFs, innovation financing and business incubation.

Mark Whittle:


Evaluating the uptake and impact of participation in the European Framework Programmes for Research in Member States

Assessing the uptake and impact of participation in the European Framework Programmes in each of the 28 Member States and the 13 Associated Countries. The project aims to contribute to the design of future EU RTD programmes, so that they maximise their future impacts.



Feasibility study to establish a pan-European cross-border Venture Capital Fund of Funds

This study explored the rationale for setting up a pan-European investment vehicle benefitting innovative start-ups and SMEs and laid out the roadmap for implementing such a programme.



Comprehensive review of clusters strategy for the North West England region

CSES carried out a detailed assessment of 16 cluster organisations in key sectors in the North West England and helped define a strategy for their future growth and development for the North West Regional Development Agency.



Analytical study on the impact of industry 4.0 on the competitiveness of European manufacturing and industry (European Parliament)

This study investigated the technological advances in manufacturing labelled industry 4.0, and its potential impacts on further technological change, European society (demographics, skills, migration, employment) and the global competitiveness of European industries โ€“ both for small and medium-sizedenterprises (SMEs) and larger firms.



Making IPR Work for SMEs

One of a series of studies for the European Commission and national authorities on issues in the management and exploitation of intellectual property rights, especially by SMEs. 


7. Employment and social affairs

CSES has worked for EU, UK and other clients on studies related to employment, labour markets, social affairs, social innovation, equality, inclusion and ESF. Our work has included evaluations and impact assessments of programmes, policies and legislation, as well as thematic studies.

James Rampton:


Evaluation of ESF support for enhancing access to the labour market and the social inclusion of migrants and ethnic minorities

CSES analysed the barriers facing migrants and ethnic minorities in accessing the labour market and then assessed the impact of ESF in addressing those barriers.



Evaluation of European Action Plan for Equal opportunities for people with disabilities

CSES reviewed EU policies, actions and policy legislation in support of disability mainstreaming, including those relating to employment.



Review of the EUโ€™s Working Time Directive

CSES supported this review (led by Economisti Associati), which identified flexibility in working time/patterns and measured administrative costs and burdens of different options for reforming the Directive.


8. Justice and home affairs

CSES has been at the forefront of the increasing European dimension of the area of justice and home affairs, covering topics such as border control, internal security, migration, trafficking, and crime prevention.

Jack Malan:


Evaluation of the Legal Framework Applicable to Combating Terrorism in the EU Member States

CSES evaluated the legislation adopted by the EU Member States to fight against "public provocation to commit a terrorist offence", "recruitment for terrorism", "training for terrorism" and ancillary offences as defined in the 2008 Framework Decision.



Study for an impact assessment on pretrial detention

CSES undertook an assignment to assess the laws in EU28 Member States on detention of suspects without trial and to examine the scope for a measure at the EU level to help eliminate variations in standards for the protection of the human rights of pre-trial detainees across the EU.



Study on the Functioning of the National Judicial Systems for the Application of Consumer Protection Law Rules

The purpose of the study was to collect data and analyse on the functioning of the national justice systems when applying EU consumer protection legislation, supporting this with qualitative feedback on the efficiency, quality and independence of the justice system for the application of EU consumer protection law rules.



Study for an impact assessment on measures to combat illicit firearms trafficking

This study was undertaken for DG Home to help lay the basis for measures at the EU level to strengthen the legal framework and cross-border law enforcement mechanisms needed to combat illicit firearms trafficking.


9. Environment

CSES has made a number of contributions to evaluating environmental legislation and its practical implementation.

Mark Whittle:


Evaluation of Directive 2002/49/EC Relating to the Assessment and Management of Environmental Noise

CSES carried out the second implementation review and an evaluation of this Directive, looking at it cost-effectiveness, its coherence with other legislation, and providing recommendations on how to strengthen the Directiveโ€™s effectiveness in tackling noise exposure.



Evaluation of the Ecodesign Directive (2009/125/EC)

This evaluation involved working closely with stakeholders, especially through a series of Open Forum meetings, toreview the methodology and procedures for regulating products the design stage and encouraging the incorporation of innovative features that are energy efficient. It also examined the possibility of extending the Directive beyond energy-related products, using an impact assessment approach.


10. Brexit

Our knowledge of the policies and legal frameworks in the EU, the UK and the EEA countries, makes us well-placed to assess the likely impact of Brexit and to advise on how UK and EU policymakers, as well as the private sector, can best respond to the challenges. We have extensive knowledge of evaluating EU legislation and its transposition into national laws. We can provide technical support to help adapt EU legislation to suit the UK in areas such as industrial product legislation, and the justice and home affairs fields. We can also assess the costs and other consequences of opting out of EU policies, legislation and institutional structures.

Jack Malan:


Justice and Home Affairs

Impact assessments and evaluations in the justice and home affairs fields

We have carried out over 30 studies at the EU level in the criminal and civil justice fields to either help prepare new legislation or to evaluate existing laws. An important issue in these studies has been to assess what would happen (or could have happened) without EU intervention. Most of these studies have covered all EU Member States including the UK.



European Parliament - โ€˜Cost of Non-Agenciesโ€™ 

We carried out a study for the European Parliament to examine what would happen if a number of EU agencies that support the functioning of the Internal Market were disbanded. We also examined the consequences for private sector companies in sectors such as Aerospace, Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals.



Third-country co-operation mechanisms

Evaluating the uptake and impact of participation in the European Framework Programmes for Research in EU Member States and Associated Countries

This study for the European Commission examined the longitudinal and cumulative impacts of participation in the FPs. Among the issues considered were how effective different co-operation structures for non-Member States are functioning e.g. cooperation with formally Associated Countries in the EU RTD FPs and with third countries.



Legislation affecting UK exporter

Evaluation of internal market legislation for industrial products

Assessment of the effectiveness and fitness for purpose of Union harmonisation legislation across 25 different EU Directives and Regulations. The conformity assessment procedures and CR marking requirements that firms have to meet in order to place goods onto the internal market were analysed, and suggestions were made to help simplify administrative requirements.



Evaluation of internal market legislation for specific sectors

CSES has undertaken evaluations of EU legislation that is significant for many specific sectors. These evaluations include assessments of legislation in relation to motor vehicle type approval, chemicals, fertilisers, pressure equipment and measuring instruments, but also studies that have looked at the impacts on specific industries of โ€˜horizontalโ€™ legislation, such as the Ecodesign Directive and the intellectual property regime.



How to support the internationalisation of SMEs and microenterprises

This workshop for the European Parliament explored the barriers, challenges and opportunities for SMEs serving markets outside the EU and how policy instruments can support them in this endeavour.



Non-EU development programmes

Mid-Term Review of the EEA Grants and Norway Grants

In the period 2009-2014, the Grants have provided โ‚ฌ1.8bn funding for 150 programmes supporting different sectors, including environmental protection, climate change, cultural heritage, civil society and research. CSESโ€™s Mid-Term Review assessed effectiveness in terms of results and progress towards overall objectives and assessed the efficiency of the current programme model is efficient.



Mid-Term Evaluation of the EEA Grants for cultural heritage

Iceland, Liechtenstein & Norway provided โ‚ฌ200m in 2009-14 through the EEA to protect & restore cultural heritage and promote intercultural dialogue & diversity in the arts. This evaluation considered the contribution of the grants to the programmeโ€™s objectives across the 14 beneficiary countries.